Phenomenal homes for remarkable people.
Work with an expert in Greenwich to find your home.
New listings you’ll love.
We hand-verify every listing and refresh them every five minutes straight from our MLS. Accuracy counts!
The Best Listings in Greenwich are from our MLS
Every listing on our site is from our own Greenwich Multiple Listing Service. Why does it matter? Because our MLS is where nearly all information about homes for sale and historical sale prices originate for properties in Greenwich and where our REALTORS® work together to get homes bought and sold fairly and efficiently.
Greenwich Nice Time
People say we’re set in our ways. That Greenwich is old-fashioned. We call that Greenwich Nice Time, where people are friendly, the community inclusive, and everyone feels at home. We believe that service, love, and respect never go out of style, and it’s what our neighbors deserve.

About Us
Personal service and expertise isn’t old-fashioned.
We believe that people who are making the largest financial transaction in their lives deserve to work with experts who have their best interests at heart. Call us fastidious and committed to our clients, but never old-fashioned. We are Greenwich REALTORS®.
Our Communities
Big enough for new adventures. Small enough to run into friends.
We’re not like everybody else. Life in Greenwich means lush landscapes, warm greetings, and a unique, old-fashioned charm. Why would you have it any other way?

Become a Realtor®
Our members bleed Greenwich green.
We help people find homes they love because we love what we do and where we live. Join a community of experts doing business the way it should be done.
We are a destination.
No need to drive to Manhattan. From world-class museums and fabulous restaurants to prime shopping along the Avenue, Greenwich delivers.
We’re proud of our roots.
Charming country mansions. Historic fishing villages. Our unique heritage shapes the modern-day Greenwich we know and love.
We’re outdoorsy.
Greenwich is a mecca for nature lovers. Spend the day swimming at one of our four beautiful beaches or go hiking and horseback riding on miles of scenic nature trails.
We know how to celebrate.
The Town Party. The Food and Wine Festival. We gather every year to enjoy Greenwich’s small-town sense of community and cosmopolitan arts and culture.